Every business must regularly undergo a security audit or assessment to ensure their existing systems are still functioning as expected. Updating practices, protocols and the defences themselves helps to mitigate the chances of someone identifying a weak spot and exploiting it, causing your financial or reputational loss. Audits can highlight existing weaknesses which can then be rectified before they become the source of a breach. Our security audits can encompass:
- Site investigations
- Staff tests/training sessions
- Physical barriers, alarms, CCTV cameras
- Landscaping
- IT security systems
To build an effective security system every part of it must be consistently maintained, assessed and improved. One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of any security system in the employees. They are often, unwittingly or otherwise, the source of major security breaches. By educating your staff and training them in effective security practices, we can mitigate the risk of your staff members becoming the chink in your company’s armour.